Saturday afternoon mulch fire at KFC in the Westminster TownMall, Carroll County Maryland

Saturday afternoon mulch fire at KFC in the Westminster TownMall, Carroll County Maryland

20160611 KFC fire (1)  20160611 KFC fire (3)

Staff report: Sat. afternoon, June 11, 2016 Westminster, Carroll County Maryland – [Sta 3 Fire] 13:50 CT: BUILDING FIRE 400 N CENTER ST @KFC BOX: 0380 DUE: E31 E91 E61 E43 RS9 TO3 T2 X39 CS6

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Pictures by Kim Royer, Caroline Babylon, a bystander, and Kevin Dayhoff. “Firefighters responded to a mulch fire at Kentucky Fried Chicken in the 400 block of Center St. on Saturday afternoon, according to Westminster Volunteer Fire Company spokesman Kevin Dayhoff,” as reported in the Carroll County Times by Jacob deNobel on June 11, 2016

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“Though an exact cause has not been determined, Dayhoff urged residents to exercise caution in the summer months when extinguishing small flames and cigarettes, taking care to dispose of them in proper receptacles.” Click here for more information: June 11, 2016 By Jacob deNobel, Carroll County Times “Mulch fire extends to KFC exterior in Westminster”