Volunteer and Career Members attend 9/11 ceremonies

Crews from our station participated in the 9/11 memorial ceremonies both at the Carroll County Public Safety Training Center and then at Mission BBQ.

1st Battalion Rural Water Supply Drill

On September 8th, units from Westminster participated in a rural water supply drill that was held at Pleasant Valley. Units from all over the county learned drafting, fill site, and Siamese pump off techniques. Chief Price from Westminster was the organizer of this drill. Many thanks to all who participated. 

See our Facebook photo album for all the photos copyright Amanda Caple.

September is National Preparedness Month

September marks National Preparedness Month, the annual campaign to remind everyone that preparing for emergencies and disasters can keep them, their families and their communities safe.

While the resources and information shared during National Preparedness Month and on Ready.gov can be used by anyone at any time to get prepared for whatever may come their way. The Ready Campaign aims to ensure all of our friends and neighbors have the tools they need to prepare for disasters and build resilience before disaster strikes.

Visit https://www.ready.gov/ for all the information for you and your family to be prepared.

WFD Introduces the new 3 of Diamonds

New during Bingo, drawing occurs during intermission. You can stop in from 6-8PM on Fridays when Bingo is in session to buy tickets without playing bingo. Watch our Facebook for the jackpot amount.

Stop the Bleed Training

On Thursday evening Westminster Fire Department volunteers and Carroll County Department of Fire and EMS of Maryland employees participated in a training on heavy bleeding. The WFD training committee hosted a training on the proper use of tourniquets, pressure bandages, and Quick-Clot. This training is similar to “Stop the Bleed” but focuses on the role of the first responders. When seconds matter, this equipment and lifesaving techniques matter. Content and Photo from Facebook.

Congratulations to Dylan Ballantine

Congratulations to Dylan Ballantine on his graduation from the Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Academy Recruit Class 54! Photo credit Ballantine family

Congratulations Chris Petry – Newest Paramedic

Chris completed his final testing for National Registry Paramedic and this week received his certificate and patches. Major life accomplishment!.

Milton Zepp Inducted into MSFA Hall of Fame

During the 2024 Maryland State Firemen’s Association Convention in Ocean City, Milton Zepp was inducted into the State Hall of Fame. Congratulations Milton for your many years of service to Emergency Services and to our department and community.

Alex Carlson and Duncan Christensen Graduate from EST

Congratulations to Alex Carlson and Duncan Christensen who graduated from the Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services – EST (Emergency Services Training) Program. During their 2023-24 school year, they completed EMT, Firefighter 1, PPE, Hazmat, Rescue Tech, Firefighter safety and survival.

Looking forward to their long volunteer career in operations.

Lt Chris Petry Graduates from College

Congratulations to Chris Petry who graduated from Carroll Community College with an Associate’s degree in Applied Sciences completing their Paramedic program. Now he just needs to complete the National Registry Paramedic exam. This is a major life accomplishment!!

Photo copyright Chris Petry Facebook.